Step Up to Leadership is training developed by Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Inc., and the University of Missouri Extension.  Income-eligible, community-minded individuals who desire to develop leadership skills, receive the opportunity to turn their civic passions into #CommunityAction in St. Louis County.  

The 12-week training program meets 1 night per week for 2 hours, and covers topics including:

  • Personality Styles
  • Passion & Community Contribution
  • Collaborative Leadership & Team Building
  • Understanding Diversity
  • Combating Prejudice and Institutional Injustice
  • Board Legalities and Practicalities
  • Self-Awareness and Empowerment
  • Identifying Personal Strengths
  • Public Speaking
  • Grant Writing
  • Goal Setting and Values Exploration

The curriculum is designed for emerging and experienced professional adult learners; however, classes can be adapted to younger audiences. Training is provided in safe spaces where participants practice parliamentary procedures, strategic communications, and leadership development techniques as they explore facets of community building and #CommunityAction with #CAASTLC.

Training is free to income eligible county residents whose household income does not exceed 200% of the federal poverty guidelines; AND who are willing to complete full 12-weeks and graduate.

A light meal and a $25 per week stipend is provided to assist with childcare and transportation expenses.   A sliding scale fee is available for non-income eligible customers, i.e., schools, businesses, non-profit organizations, civic and other affinity groups

Registrants will be notified of acceptance. If the session is full, the registrant will be placed on the waiting list for the next opening. New classes forming! For more information, contact Maria at 314-446-4448 or

Step Up to Leadership Income Eligibility Requirements – Household income may not exceed 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. 

Size of Family UnitMonthly IncomeAnnual Income
For families with more than 8 members, add $11,000 for each additional person