CAASTLC has a comprehensive housing assistance program which includes:

  1. Housing Counseling
  2. Home Ownership and Down Payment Assistance*
  3. Disaster Relief*
  4. Rent/Mortgage Assistance*

*Special funds are available depending on funding availability.


A housing counselor conducts an interview and an assessment to determine the housing needs of the household. Based on the assessment, the household receives one or more of the following services: 1) Homeless Intervention & Stabilization Services; 2) Rental Housing Services; 3) First-time Home buyers; and 4) Home Ownership Program Services.

Housing Counseling is designed for:

  1. Helping families stabilize their housing situation;
  2. Helping homeless families gain access to decent, safe, and affordable housing;
  3. Helping families move from rental housing to home ownership;
  4. Making the home buying process less complex for first-time home buyers;
  5. Making the mortgage process less expensive and less complex; and
  6. Educating home buyers and homeowners about predatory lending practices.

Please go to our Calendar of Events page for a complete listing of our Home Buyer and Financial Literacy classes. In addition to participants of our Home Ownership and Housing Counseling programs being required to attend these classes, all members of the general public are welcome to attend as well.


Through referrals, CAASTLC works with helping find down payment assistance towards the purchase of a home for all participants who successfully complete the program. By attending class sessions and saving money, participants work to improve their credit history, complete “financial fitness” curriculum and home buyer education classes, and meet one-on-one with a HUD certified housing counselor. 


Assistance is available on a limited basis when funding is available. Assistance is available for rent or mortgage payments. If you are interested, please call us at (314) 446-4438.

Required documentation:

  • Proof of household income.
  • Social security documentation for all household members.
  • Photo identification for the head of the household.
  • Proof of residency (must be living in St. Louis County).
  • Eviction notice or delinquency notice from landlord or mortgage company or a signed lease for deposit assistance.