Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Inc. (d/b/a CAASTLC) is part of a national network of federally funded Community Action Agencies (CAAs), created by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. CAAs administer various programs on community levels to assist low-income people out of poverty conditions. Nationwide, CAAs help 11.5 million people toward self-sufficiency. CAASTLC is a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit corporation that has provided services in St. Louis County for 50 years.
Originally incorporated as Metroplex, Inc. in 1968, CAASTLC was founded as a satellite agency of and administered by the Human Development Corporation of Metropolitan St. Louis. In 1978, Metroplex, Inc. became a separate designated entity to provide anti-poverty programs for St. Louis County, excluding Wellston. In 1996, the agency’s name was changed to STEP, Inc. and, in 2003, STEP, Inc. became CAASTLC. Our focus remains: to end poverty and help families who are caught in poverty. Services are provided to 44,000 low-income people in St. Louis County annually.

Linda Huntspon
Chief Executive Officer
Minnetta Watkins
Executive Assistant to the CEO
Mark Kurtz
Chief Financial Officer
Georgie Donahue
Director of Program Administration
Rick Reinbott
Director of Contract Compliance
Sue Moss
HR Director
Keith Robinson
Director of Weatherization
James Ingram
Reentry Director
Mike Clark
IT Director
Sherri Robins
PR Director